Sustain Music and NAture
Co-founded by ACP team member, Betsy Mortensen, Sustain is focused on greening the music industry. Sustain pursues their vision of the music industry being a leader in promoting environmental awareness and responsibility through two programs: Songscapes and Green Roster. Green Roster is a community of bands, luthiers and recording studios that uphold environmental practices. Songscapes are songwriting retreats that partner bands with public lands. Bands create new music to raise awareness and generate audiences for public land conservation.
Allison Rockefeller and Simon Roosevelt serve as Advisory Council members for nonprofit Sustain Music and Nature. Mr. Roosevelt was a key donor for Songscape: Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge, with River Whyless, in the music video above.
Modern Huntsman Volume 1
Modern Huntsman
Modern Huntsman, an online community and bi-annual publication, is on a mission to change the story of the industry of hunting through purveying the industry's essential storytellers, brands, destinations, and resources, displayed in a way that magnifies the beauty of this extraordinary lifestyle. Simon Roosevelt is a regular contributor to Modern Hunstman, and serves as their Conservation Advisor.
Allison Rockefeller serves as an advisory Board Member of Nest, a nonprofit bringing transparency, data-driven business development and widespread industry advocacy to global artisans and homeworkers. Nest is empowering women to with the right to increased economic opportunity while preserving the world’s most treasured traditions of craftsmanship. Nest is committed to the social and economic advancement of the fashion and home industry’s informal workforce who comprise the complex supply chains outside of factories. It is bringing this under served population unprecedented transparency, data-driven business development and widespread advocacy to empower women, alleviate poverty and preserve traditions of artisanship.